Photography by: Cathie Archbould
Benefits of Membership
Yukon Chamber of Mines
- Voting Privilege at the YCM Annual General Meeting
- Input to YCM Organizational Development at Quarterly General Meetings
- Delegate Registration Discount for Annual Yukon Geoscience Forum
- Delegate Registration Discount for all YCM-hosted Events
- Invitation to all YCM Special Events
- Complimentary Subscription to the YCM monthly e-Newsletter
- Representation of Your Interests to all Orders of Government
- Representation of Your Interests on and to all Industry-related Boards, Committees and +Initiatives
- Representation of Your Interests to Media
Yukon Chamber of Mines
CAD$302.40 - $7560.00/Yearly
- Voting Privilege at the YCM Annual General Meeting
- Input to YCM Organizational Development at Quarterly General Meetings
- Delegate Registration Discount for Annual Yukon Geoscience Forum
- Delegate Registration Discount for all YCM-hosted Events
- Invitation to all YCM Special Events
- Complimentary Subscription to the YCM monthly e-Newsletter
- Representation of Your Interests to all Orders of Government
- Representation of Your Interests on and to all Industry-related Boards, Committees and +Initiatives
- Representation of Your Interests to Media
- Plus: Complementary Mining Directory Listing (if membership is purchased or renewed prior to March 31st each year)
- Plus: Trade Show Registration Discount for Annual Yukon Geoscience Forum
- Plus: Preferential (Advance) Sponsorship Opportunities for all YCM-hosted Events
Membership Fee Structure
Production Companies
- Large (150+ employees), $ 7,560.00
- Medium (50-149 employees), $ 2,898.00
- Small (under 50 employees), $ 756.00
Exploration Companies
- Large (More than $10M expenses/year), $ 2,898.00
- Medium ($1M-$10M expenses/year), $ 1,512.00
- Junior Exploration Company, $ 756.00
- Inactive Exploration Company, $ 302.40
Service & Supply Companies
- Large (More than $1M revenues/year), $ 1,890.00
- Medium ($250K-$1M revenues/year), $ 756.00
- Small (Less than $250K/year), $ 302.40
Individuals + Other
- Individual Member, $ 63.00
- Chamber/Not Profit, $ 302.40
- Financial Institution/Govt. Department, $ 586.50
- Small (Less than $250K/year), $ 302.40