Strategic Plan:
During 2024, the Yukon Chamber of Mines (YCM) Board of Directors focused on updating the organization’s Strategic Plan moving forward (2024 to 2028).
This work confirmed the Vision, Mandate, Guiding Principles and Priorities for the YCM, summarized below.
Our Foundation
The Yukon thrives with respectful, robust and sustainable hard rock exploration and mining.
YCM is the voice of the Yukon’s hard rock exploration and mining industry; building understanding that fosters strong partnerships and collaboration towards a safe, respectful and prosperous future.
Guiding Principles
- Communication that is strong, transparent and accountable.
- Learning from the past to inspire the future.
- Representation as the voice of the hard rock mineral exploration and mining industry.
- Respect for diverse perspectives and experiences.
- Stewardship via sustainable exploration and development practices.

Our Focus
Priorities and Outcomes
Collaboration: Alliances
Cooperation and Partnership across industry organizations.
Influence: Shaping Policy
Certainty and Effectiveness for the Yukon’s economy.
Outreach: Sharing Our Stories
Shifting public perception about balance and impact on our shared quality of life.
Strengthening Relationships with Yukon First Nations and Enhancing Industry Understanding
Investing in trust and understanding, in cooperation with Yukon communities and for industry.
YCM Revitalization 2024 and Beyond: Governance and Operational Excellence.
What We Do
Core Organizational Activities
- Advocacy leadership and governance oversight by the YCM Board of Directors.
- Engagement practices which educate, inspire and affect relationship and trust building in Yukon communities.
- Finance and Administration.
- Events (for example, yet not limited to: Annual Yukon Geoscience Forum & Trade Show, Dawson City International Gold Show, Yukon Mining Week and Yukon Night at AME Roundup).
- Information sharing and resources with/for YCM membership and the public.